Born:- Glen Innes NSW 1943. Attended Glen Innes State Schools. Married – 1967 (Robin).
Work Life:- Technician Post Master Generals Dept., Senior Technical Officer NSW Electricity Commission, Senior Technical Officer ANU Canberra, John Curtin Medical Research, Research School Biological Sciences, and Research Chemistry. Retired 1999.
Began Square Dancing: 1977 Yellow Rock, Four Leaf Clover, and later, Kerr-Ly-Q's SDG
Began Callinq: 1978 in Canberra at Four Leaf Clover, then Kerr-Ly-Q’s 1978 to Present Time.
National SD Conventions: 40 as Dancer, 36 as a Caller, and 37 as a Board Member.
Canberra Nationals:- Convener 1984, Programme Manager and Sound, 1984, 1994 & 2014
State Conventions attended: -10 NSW and 2 Victorian
National Honours: NSDSA Role of Honour 2001, ACF Silver Mic 2005, & Life Member 2011
Positions held in Square Dancing:-
Caller 1978 to Present Time.
ACT Callers & Cuers Assoc. (Foundation Convener) 1979 to 1981, Member 1979 - Present,
President ACTSDS 1981 to 82 (Life Member), Canberra Dance Weekend (CDW) Convener, CDW Programme Manager 4 years, Callerlab member 1983 to 2001, 2007 - Present
Co-Convenor Silver Jubilee Convention Canberra 1984.
ANSDC Advisory Board 1984 – Present.
ACF Board Member.- ACT's first, 1987 to 2015, ACF President 1990 & 1991
ACF Registrar and Webmaster - 1991 to 2015.
1984 National Convention Canberra – Convener, Programme Manager, and Sound.
1994 National Convention Canberra - Programme Manager and Sound.
1994 Convener Australia’s first ACF Caller and Cuer Conference Canberra.
2014 National Convention Canberra – Programme Manager and Sound.
National Honours:-
NSDSA - Australian Role of Honour 2001.
ACF – ACF Silver Microphone 2005, and ACF Life Member 2011.