Mike Davey Partner :Lorraine Davey

Wheelers Hill 3150 VIC

Phone03 9590 0550
Phone work
Mobile0400 171 359

Caller Information

Joined ACF1988
State AssociationVCA
State RankingVCA - Club Caller
Member of CallerLabNo

Caller Experience

Calling 48 Years of Experience
1974 First year of calling
Club Calling 43 Years of experience
1979 First year of club calling

Calling/Cueing Abilities

Calls ContraNo
Cues CloggingNo
Calls One NightersNo
Cues Line DancingNo
Cues RoundsNo
Calls SquaresYes

National Convention Eligibility

Eligible for MainstreamY
Eligible for PlusY
Eligible for A1N
Eligible for A2N
Convention Assessment Level1 [89 / 17]

Awards, Education and Memberships

EducationCaller Schools - Bill Peters & Jim Mayo 198?, Minilab Brisbane 1990, Ed Foote Callers Clinic, Minilab Adelaide. VCA Seminars 2003-2006, MiniLab Qld 2008. Steve Turner Seminar August 2011. ACF Hobart Conference June 2012, Paul Bristow Workshop 2014, ACF Caller conference 2016. Paul Bristow Caller Clinic 2016. VCA Seminar Weekend with Graham Elliott 2019.
MembershipMember VCA 1979-Present, Member ACF 1988-Present, VCA Secretary ?xxx and 2009-Present, Past VCA President and Vice President , Past VCA Training Officer, VCA Accreditation Board 2000-Present, Callerlab Member 2008-2017 , VCA President 2012-2015, VCA Secretary 2015-present
International ExperienceNew Zealand Feature Caller for 11 Weekends, 2 NZ National Conventions. Feature Caller Japan- Sapporo Western Stars 15th Annv and Misawa Tori Twirlers. Called Tokyo Squares 50th anniversary 2012, NZ National Wellington 2014, Taupo Festival NZ 2016, Beehive Squares NZ 2017, Tokyo Squares Japan 55th Anniversary 2017, Taupo Festival NZ 2018.


Mike's PlusThursdayWeeklyPlus
Jaybee Square WheelersTuesdayWeeklyMs