Colin Dandridge Partner :Ann

14 Grayling Cr
Croydon 3136 VIC

Phone03 9870 0453
Phone work03 9096 2603
Mobile0438 515 873

Caller Information

Joined ACF2000
State AssociationNone
State Ranking
Member of CallerLab

Caller Experience

Calling 19 Years of Experience
1980 First year of calling
6 years total break in calling
2005 Current year of break from calling
Club Calling 11 Years of experience
1988 First year of club calling
6 years total break in club calling

Calling/Cueing Abilities

Calls ContraNo
Cues CloggingNo
Calls One NightersYes
Cues Line DancingNo
Cues RoundsNo
Calls SquaresYes

National Convention Eligibility

Eligible for MainstreamN
Eligible for PlusN
Eligible for A1N
Eligible for A2N
Convention Assessment Level2 [66 / 11]

Awards, Education and Memberships

EducationCommenced Calling in 1980 as a twelve year Old and did not take it seriously until I became an Official Trainee in 1986. Opened my first club and ran my first beginners class in 1988. VCA accreditation Caller Club Level4 2000 VSDA Program Manager State Conv 2001, 2002
MembershipSDS of SA Member 1979-91, 2000-2003, SACA Member 1980 -91, VSDA 1992-94 & 98- Present, VCA 1991-94 & 1999 - Present, VCA Skills & Development Officer 1999-Present , Convenor SA State Convention 1990, VCA Secretary 2000-2004, Program Manager Vic State Conv ? when, ACF Member 2000-2004.
International ExperienceNil
