Alan Eades Partner :Rose Eades

7 Beswick Place
Northam 6401 WA

Phone08 9621 1481
Phone work
Mobile0418 926 202

Caller Information

Joined ACF2001
State AssociationCAWA
State RankingCAWA - Club
Member of CallerLabNo

Caller Experience

Calling 36 Years of Experience
1973 First year of calling
10 years total break in calling
Club Calling 36 Years of experience
1973 First year of club calling
10 years total break in club calling

Calling/Cueing Abilities

Calls ContraNo
Cues CloggingNo
Calls One NightersYes
Cues Line DancingYes
Cues RoundsNo
Calls SquaresYes

National Convention Eligibility

Eligible for MainstreamY
Eligible for PlusN
Eligible for A1N
Eligible for A2N
Convention Assessment Level2 [62 / 7]

Awards, Education and Memberships

EducationClub Caller with CAWA.
MembershipCAWA 1974 - Present
ACF 2000 - Present
APRA 2000 - Present
International Experience
