Phone | 03 |
Phone work | |
Mobile | 0414550029 |
Fax | | | |
Website |
Caller/Cuer | Caller Trainee |
Joined ACF | 2018 |
State Association | None |
State Ranking | VCA - Trainee |
Member of CallerLab |
Calling | 2 Years of Experience |
2018 First year of calling |
Calls Contra | |
Cues Clogging | |
Calls One Nighters | |
Cues Line Dancing | |
Cues Rounds | |
Calls Squares | Yes |
Eligible for Mainstream | N |
Eligible for Plus | N |
Eligible for A1 | N |
Eligible for A2 | N |
Convention Assessment Level | NA [ 0 / 0 ] |
Education | |
Membership | |
International Experience |