David Cox Partner :David.G. Cox

87/1 Greenmeadows Drive, Dahlsford Grove Village
Port Macquarie 2444 NSW

Phone02 0466259526
Phone work02 0466259526

Caller Information

Joined ACF1996
State AssociationQCA
State RankingSARDA NSW - Club
Member of CallerLabNo

Caller Experience

Calling 43 Years of Experience
1976 First year of calling
2 years total break in calling
Club Calling 42 Years of experience
1977 First year of club calling
2 years total break in club calling

Calling/Cueing Abilities

Calls ContraNo
Cues CloggingNo
Calls One NightersYes
Cues Line DancingNo
Cues RoundsNo
Calls SquaresYes

National Convention Eligibility

Eligible for MainstreamY
Eligible for PlusY
Eligible for A1Y
Eligible for A2Y
Convention Assessment Level2 [ 68 / 17]

Awards, Education and Memberships

EducationI attended a Callers School run by Brian Hotchkies 1977, I have attended a number of seminars in Australia and the USA.

I owned C-Bar-C/Seven C's records, 1998-2019. I have also recorded for Rockin A Records 1979-82, Chicago Country, Dance Ranch, OMAR, Snow and Riverboat labels.

From 1997/2002 I published Choreo-wise Note Service - 50 issues. 155 subscribers from 13 countries.

I was the editor of Callerlink for two years. I currently contribute to BTM.

I have been involved in caller training seminars at MiniLab 1998, NSWCF training days and was involved in caller education in Denmark, Sweden, Scotland and the Czech Republic. I once shared a 5-day callers' school with Steve Turner (1999).
MembershipWorkshop Editor SPSDR 1977-81
President HVSDS 1979-81,
Convenor NSW State Convention 1980
Former NSWCA Member,
ACF Member
Callerlink Editor (ACF) 1998-00,
Member CallerLab Advanced Committee 1998-2001
ACF Board Member 2000 to 2003
International ExperienceI have spent about 6 months touring and calling in Europe 2001 and 2004.

I have been the feature caller and weekends in 9 Countries. - Philippines, Switzerland, Scotland, England, Sweden, New Zealand, Germany, Czech Republic, USA and USA National Convention,

I have been feature caller at weekends in Victoria, NSW, Queensland and SA.

Presented Caller Training in Sweden and Denmark.


Seven C'sThursdayWeeklyMs, A1, Plus