Neil was born in Manchester U.K. In his younger days he used to sing accompanied by his brother on the piano, they performed in pantomime and various shows & venues. Neil emigrated to Australia in 1962, He & his wife Jean used to go Ballroom Dancing but after seeing a demo of Square Dancing they both decided that it seemed to be a lot more fun, so they joined Frank Kennedy’s Westgate Dancers club in 1987. They danced there for a several years before taking part in an amateur callers’ night after which Frank asked Neil to do a singing call for some weeks before asking him to take over the club as he was intending to retire. He agreed with some trepidation then called for the club for the next 14 years. In the meantime, in 1999 Brian Worsnop closed the Burra Squares club resulting one of their dancers asked Neil to re-open the club, he said he would for a period of 3 months, telling them to try to find another caller as it was a long way to travel from his home. The end result was he is still running the club 22 years later. The club is now in its 44th year Neil has called at several State & Nationals including Dress set numbers. He also ran weekend annual weekend function for around 20 years